Cosmetal was founded in the late '50s as a craft company engaged in the production of keyboards for electronic pipe organs. The company diversified its business in time with the production of metal items – hence the present name – and manufactured its first water dispenser machine in the mid-80s, with a high technological content and with a strong metalworking component.
By the '90s, Cosmetal was a modern, well-organised company, inspired by a philosophy of quality that would make it into an undisputed industry leader in just a few years.
In 2012 the new site was expanded, closing the old plant and concentrating all the production into a single site. In the past 30 years, the Italian company specialized in the design and manufacturing of freestanding water dispensers connected with the water mains and became a reference player for the entire sector.
In 2016, Cosmetal became part of the Celli Group, one of the world leaders in the sector of equipment and accessories for beverage dispensing. The union of these two solid Italian entrepreneurial companies and the development of important commercial and industrial synergies, contributes to the achievement of a prominent position in a dynamic and rapidly expanding market such as that of drinking water dispensers.
This integration makes Cosmetal stronger also in coping with the challenges of the global market and allows it to leverage on technical and manufacturing strategies. Both Celli and Cosmetal entities, leading players on the respective reference markets, share a passion for innovation, a design focus, the pursuit of quality and customer care. This transaction will result into the Celli Group, that is capable to provide a comprehensive range to satisfy and anticipate trends in the beer, beverage and water drinking business.
Today Cosmetal is the largest Italian manufacturer and an international leader in the production of innovative drinking water solutions. Its product range is strictly 100% made in Italy and is characterized by being the broadest range in the business, both in terms of types of dispensed water and of available models. One key-factor to the company's success was the differentiation and size of its range, which allowed to operate in multiple sectors and satisfy all kinds of needs.
The company's strength is in the quality of carbonation achieved by means of professional technologies, capable to ensure a strong, persistent taste. With the recent introduction of hot water dispensing machines, which are capable to dispense extra-hot water at 98°C instantly, it can be considered one of the most complete ranges in the industry.
While the European water dispenser market is primarily aimed at offices and workplaces, several years ago Cosmetal set out to develop products for use at home and in hospitality venues and thus gained an important competitive edge, particularly in the latter; a market that recorded constant 15% annual growth in the past few years. Now Cosmetal offers a complete range of dispensing products for the office, public venues and on-the-go consumption; all types of bottle water dispenser, countertop water cooler, undersink water cooler, standing water dispenser, instant hot water tap, hot water dispenser system and many other drinking fountains and chilled water dispensers.